List of Trainings Approved for Reimbursement for Early Start Service Providers*

Below is a list of trainings and webinars approved for reimbursement through an Early Start provider training initiative funded by the Department of Developmental Services. Eligible training topics include the following:

  • Cultural competency and cultural humility in the delivery of services
  • Reflective practice and supervision
  • Recognizing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Toxic Stress
  • Recognizing and addressing implicit bias in oneself, and in service delivery
  • Supporting early childhood inclusive practices and providing early intervention services in natural environments
  • Building partnerships with parents and other family members with family engagement practices
  • Continuing education in assistant training programs that lead to Associate of Science degrees and licensure for speech-language pathology assistants, occupational therapy assistants, and physical therapy assistants.

To better understand the scope of each topic area, see their definitions. In addition to addressing one of the five priority topic areas, a training should be directly relevant to working with infants, toddlers, and their families. For more information about the approval criteria, download this helpful infographic. If you have any questions, contact [email protected]

To be eligible for staff time reimbursement, training activities must total at least one hour and must be whole hours, not fractions thereof.  
  • For example, trainings shown in bolded blue, which are fractions of whole hours in length, must be combined with other training videos so that viewing time is equivalent to whole hours to be eligible for reimbursement.
  • Additionally, the five short videos shown in italics yellow must be viewed together and at the same time to be eligible for 1 hour of staff time reimbursement.

Don’t see a training on this list? Submit a training for consideration.SUBMIT A TRAINING


*Per DDS Directive issued on January 25, 2023 and updated February 8, 2024.

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