Early intervention professional development is more accessible and interactive than ever before.
The Early Start Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) offers interactive, facilitated learning both online and in-person to provide the foundational knowledge and basic skills early intervention personnel need to build their capacity to improve outcomes for children and families in Early Start.
The Department of Developmental Services, the California Department of Education, and the California Early Intervention Technical Assistance Network (CEITAN) at WestEd collaborate to offer a personnel development collection, under the banner of the Early Start Institute, for early intervention service coordinators, service providers, specialists, administrators, and other early intervention personnel.
Early Start Training Curricula
At the heart of all Early Start training is the comprehensive, evidence-based content that the field has come to expect from Early Start personnel development. The core curriculum and learning outcomes are aligned with the ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual competencies and guided by the Core Messages. All content is developed in collaboration with the Department of Developmental Services and partners from the California Department of Education as well as professional and parent leaders. Content is reviewed and approved by the Department of Developmental Services.
Early Start Institute offerings are organized by content in three strands of concentration—Foundations, Skill Base, and Effective Practice Events and Webinars.
All of our Foundations and Skill Base courses are offered in both facilitated and Open Access formats. Not sure which format is right for you? The chart below summarizes the differences so you can learn in the way that works best for you.
Looking for training opportunities that are eligible for reimbursement through the Early Start Providers Training Initiative?
Visit the list of trainings and webinars approved for reimbursement through an Early Start provider training initiative funded by the Department of Developmental Services. This page lists approved training and webinars, and includes a link for submitting a training or webinar for consideration for reimbursement.