This Early Start Online course provides content on the requirements and best practices for facilitating the transition of toddlers with disabilities in California from receiving early intervention services (known in California as Early Start services) to receiving special education or other services at age three. Information on state and federal regulations governing the transition process, support for families throughout the transition process, and the roles and responsibilities of regional center staff, local educational agency (LEA) staff, family resource center personnel, and parents is presented via web-based narrated presentations. Topics covered in this course include: the family experience, options after Early Start, timelines and referrals, the transition conference, transition planning, eligibility and planning for services provided under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), eligibility and planning for services provided under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Lanterman Act), information on community resources, and roles and responsibilities.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Follow transition procedures and meet required timelines;
- Identify the roles and responsibilities pertaining to the participant’s role; and,
- Support families through the transition process:
- Elicit information from the family to identify needs in all domains and align services to meet those needs;
- Identify and document individualized transition steps and align services to facilitate a child’s transition from Early Start; and,
- Identify and access community resources, e.g. private preschool, Head Start, State preschool, etc.