Resources for Outreach, Child Find, and Education

Outreach and child find materials are useful for communicating with community partners and families. Family orientation materials are intended for families of children new to Early Start. Take a Minute materials are used to support communication and education about supporting social and emotional development of children in Early Start.

For detailed descriptions of each resource, links and embed codes to videos, and instructions or advice for using these products, please download the California Early Start Outreach Resources Toolkit.

Order Outreach and Child Find Materials

Download or order Early Start materials produced by DDS for outreach and child find activities.

Family Orientation Materials

Download Early Start materials that explain processes and safeguards in family-friendly language.

Take a Minute Materials

Download SSIP-related materials to support parents and professionals to support social and emotional development in young children.

Darby’s Legacy

Darby’s Legacy: Best Practices When Serving Families with Infants and Toddlers Who Are Medically Fragile honors the memory of Darby Jean and her family by providing information to assist Early Start personnel who provide supports and services to families with young children who are medically fragile and likely in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This resource is endorsed by the California Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Intervention.


Darby’s Legacy

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