Pro Tips for Managing Toddler Tantrums

Tantrums are a normal part of development for toddlers, but that doesn’t make them any easier for parents and caregivers to manage. This resource from Zero to Three shares a number of tips to help plan for and respond to big feelings from toddlers. The article ends with an important reminder to parents: “No parent gets it right 100% of the time.” Feel free to share this helpful and encouraging resource with the families of toddlers that you work with.

Check it out here:

The ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM) describes core knowledge and role-specific competencies needed for early intervention service provision, incorporating current research and evidence in the field of early intervention. To access the ESPM, click here.

This resource is related to the following ESPM knowledge-level competencies:

  • Core Knowledge (CK):
    • CK2: The role of primary social and emotional relationships as the foundation of learning.
    • CK5: The sequences of development and the interrelationships among developmental areas/factors, including:
      • Social development
      • Emotional development and resiliency, including the development of attachment and trust, and self-regulation
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