The following statewide resource projects provide training, technical assistance, program, and staff development resources; family education resources; and support for various aspects of California Early Start.
California Early Intervention Technical Assistance Network
1000 G Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814
916/492-4011 | Fax: 916/492-4002
Under the direction of the California Department of Developmental Services, the California Early Intervention Technical Assistance Network (CEITAN) provides training, technical assistance, and support to agencies and programs regarding the Early Start system for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
CEITAN facilitates the implementation of a statewide comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) for Early Start. CEITAN coordinates with colleges, universities, professional organizations, Part B CSPD activities, and other personnel development providers to enhance training opportunities in the field of early intervention.
CEITAN also facilitates implementation of Early Start statewide public awareness activities through Early Start Resources (ESR). Under the direction of DDS, ESR produces and disseminates a variety of public awareness and outreach materials and products that promote Early Start. Multilingual materials are available for parents, healthcare providers, and early intervention professionals.
Early Start Resources are available at and
California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation Network (CIBC)
WestEd Center for Prevention & Early Intervention
1000 G Street, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
916/492-4011 | Fax: 916/492-4002
Administered by the California Department of Education Child Development Division and the WestEd Center for Prevention & Early Intervention, CIBC is a statewide network of community based, experienced consultants who assist early care and education providers at their sites to cultivate the skills and tools they need to be successful as they support the development and early learning of children ages birth to 5 with challenging behaviors. Consultants confer with providers, observe environments, facilitate development of action plans, and support site implementation of those plans.
California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health
WestEd Center for Prevention & Early Intervention
1000 G Street, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
916/492-4011 | Fax: 916/492-4002
To assure the quality of infant-family and early childhood mental health services throughout the state, the California Center published best practice guidelines and developed a comprehensive certificate endorsement program. The California Training Guidelines and Personnel Competencies for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health (Revised) reflects the didactic knowledge, clinical experience, and reflective practice facilitation professionals need for endorsement as Mental Health Core Providers and Mental Health Specialists. California Center professionals also convene think tanks and conferences that gather statewide and national leaders to further the field and offer publications and other resources.
California ChildCare Health Program
UCSF School of Nursing
Department of Family Health Care Nursing
The California Childcare Health Program is a community-based program of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Nursing, Department of Family Health Care Nursing. Its multidisciplinary team trains professionals on health and safety issues related to early care and education settings, supports a statewide child care health consultation network, and conducts research. The program also produces materials on health and safety in early care and education settings for professionals and families.
Center for Child and Family Studies
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
530/752-2888 | Fax: 530/752-9547
The Center provides a training curriculum for family child care providers.
California Child Care Resource and Referral Network
111 New Montgomery Street, 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
800/543-7793, 415/882-0234
Fax: 415/882-6233
The Resource and Referral Network is committed to improving the quality and availability of child care throughout California. Agencies provide information, training, and support for parents, caregivers, and their community regarding child care options and training opportunities. The Network also provides local contact information.
Region IX–Head Start Technical Assistance Network
Administration for Children and Families
90 7th Street, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
415/437-8400 | Fax: 415/437-8444