Supporting Child Development through Play (Video Series)

A red-haired mother in profile holds their baby above their head as the baby squeals with delight. The words "Connecting through Play" are spelled out in colorful letters across the image.The Institute for Language and Brain Science (i-LABS) at the University of Washington is an excellent resource for evidence-based information on early language development. In 2023, well-respected researchers at i-LABS shared a series of short videos on “Connecting through Play,” “Play Builds the Brain,” and “Language Building Play” highlighting “research-based strategies to support children’s learning and development . . . through the magic of everyday interactions.” The videos focus on the first year of life, the toddler years, and the preschool years by offering parents easy ways to “support their child’s early language skills, boost cognitive development, and build meaningful bonds through play.” Your families will love them, and they’re easily accessible through the site above or on YouTube. Check out the series.

The ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM) describes core knowledge and role-specific competencies needed for early intervention service provision, incorporating current research and evidence in the field of early intervention. To access the ESPM, click here.

This resource is related to the following ESPM knowledge-level competencies:

  • Core Knowledge (CK):
    • CK5: The importance of play as context, method and outcome of learning.
  • Individualized Family Service Plan Development and Review (IFSP-DR):
    • IFSP-DR5 (EIS): Understands the rationale for the identification and selection of intervention strategies used in everyday routines, relationships, activities, places and partnerships for early intervention activities
  • Individualized Family Service Plan Development and Review (IFSP-i):
    • IFSP-i3 (EIS): Knows generic and specific evidence-based early intervention strategies to support all areas of development.
    • IFSP-i4 (EIS): Understands early experiences that contribute to emergent literacy.
    • IFSP-i6 (EIS): Understands the need for developmentally appropriate strategies (for example, hands-on, experiential, child-centered, play-based activities within daily routines), adaptations, assistive technologies and other supports that maximize the child’s learning opportunities.
    • IFSP-i11 (EIS): Knows strategies that support parents in adapting the natural environment to meet infant/toddler developmental needs.
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