These six recommendations included the following:
- Prenatal care services and early universal screening;
- Culturally-responsive, developmentally appropriate, individualized care in affordable, safe, nurturing, and inclusive environments;
- Correctly administered, ethical, valid, reliable, culturally sensitive, formal and informal assessments;
- High quality systems of pre‐service and in‐service professional development;
- Advocacy efforts focusing on public regulations and policies for supporting the provision of services for all young children; and
- Research that focuses substantial attention and resources to identifying effective and efficient systems and strategies for the prevention of disabilities.
The position statement is attached here. Check it out.
The ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM) describes core knowledge and role-specific competencies needed for early intervention service provision, incorporating current research and evidence in the field of early intervention. To access the ESPM, click here.
This resource is related to the following ESPM knowledge-level competencies:
- Core Knowledge (CK):
- CK1: The dynamics of family systems including cultural, linguistic and socio-economic factors influencing family function and care for all children.
- CK3: The prenatal care, delivery and postnatal care of the infant, including variations across families, cultural and ethnic groups.
- CK7: The variety of pre- and peri-natal risk factors such as genetics, maternal health and nutrition, medical complications, prematurity/low birth weight, substance exposure and other teratogens and their effect on the developing embryo/fetus/newborn.
- Identification and Referral (IR):
- IR2 (EIS): Knows formal and informal screening tools and procedures that are play-based and culturally and linguistically appropriate (including the use of observation and documentation).
- Evaluation and Assessment (EA):
- EA2 (EIS): Knows the goals, benefits and uses of assessment and observation.
- EA8 (EIS): Understands the connection between assessment information and the development of appropriate interventions
- EA9 (EIS): Knows strategies for formal and informal evidence-based assessment such as observation, naturalistic play-based assessment and family interviewing.
- Individualized Family Service Plan Development and Review (IFSP-i):
- IFSP-i2 (EIS): Understands the individual nature of child learning styles and the importance of adapting intervention strategies.
- IFSP-i12 (EIS): Knows that cultural beliefs and practices of parents and professionals affect early intervention service delivery.
- Supervision and Reflective Practice (SRP):
- SRP4 (EIS): When assigned, provides direct and reflective supervision of the EIS intern at least once monthly until the intern completes requirements to be designated as a fully qualified EIS.