Inclusive Early Education (IEE) Resources

This article highlights the Inclusive Early Education (IEE) web page on the website of the Early Education Division at the California Department of Education (CDE). It can be found at Early Start service coordinators and family resource and support personnel can share the information from CDE with families who have children navigating or approaching transition from Early Start to preschool (at age 3). The page includes general information about the IEE Program and the State Early Education Impact Inclusion Work Group. If you check out the Work Group information, you may notice some familiar names from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and the Early Start Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC)! Collaborating on the work group is an ICC priority and initiative in support of this vision: “One System, All Children: Better Together”Elsewhere on the CDE site, you will find the page listing the inclusive programs funded in 2018-2019. Be sure to bookmark the site so you can access updated lists to share with families in the future!The ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM) describes core knowledge and role-specific competencies needed for early intervention service provision, incorporating current research and evidence in the field of early intervention. To access the ESPM, CLICK HERE.This resource is related to the following ESPM knowledge-level competencies:

  • Identification and Referral (IR):
    • IR4 (EIS and EIA): Knows resource options for services and supports (other than Early Start) in the county/area of residence.
  • Transition Planning (TP):
    • TP3 (EIS and EIA): Is informed about a wide variety of community service options including those that typically serve children without disabilities.
    • TP4 (EIS): Understands Part C to Part B teamwork in development of an IEP.
    • TP4 (EIA): Understands his/her role on the IEP team.
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