The first and most important tip shared is to have fun, noting that “when children have positive interactions with books, they are developing good feelings about reading.” What follows is a litany of sage advice—everything from “a few minutes at a time is OK” to “make books a part of your daily routine.” The authors give suggestions for incorporating books into nine different routines that are typical for many families. They also recommend focusing on pictures and print, involving the child by encouraging them to turn pages, and fostering a love of storytelling, all of which are important pre-literacy skills.
Check the article out and leave us a comment about ways you’ve shared books with infants and toddlers or strategies you’ve seen parents use. We’d love to hear from you!
The ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM) describes core knowledge and role-specific competencies needed for early intervention service provision, incorporating current research and evidence in the field of early intervention. To access the ESPM, click here.
This resource is related to the following ESPM knowledge-level competencies:
- Core Knowledge (CK):
- CK5: The importance of play as context, method, and outcome of learning.
- Individualized Family Service Plan Development and Review (IFSP-DR):
- IFSP-DR5 (EIS): Understands the rationale for the identification and selection of intervention strategies used in everyday routines, relationships, activities, places and partnerships for early intervention activities.
- Individualized Family Service Plan Development and Review (IFSP-i):
- IFSP-i3 (EIS): Knows generic and specific evidence-based early intervention strategies to support all areas of development.
- IFSP-i4 (EIS): Understands early experiences that contribute to emergent literacy.