Emotional Literacy of Infants & Toddlers

A little African-American boy works at an easel on a project while an African-American woman, seated beside him, encourages his exploration.Emotional Literacy for Infants and Toddlers, from HeadStart.gov (formerly known as Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center), offers an array of resources on emotional intelligence. The site includes an hour-long video, a transcript of the video, a PDF for taking notes alongside the presentation’s slides, and a twenty-page viewer’s guide that focuses on identifying emotions, practicing empathy, and teaching self-regulation. There’s also a Spanish version of the site, but it appears the resources there aren’t actually in Spanish. (We’ve reached out to Head Start to let them know.) The viewer’s guide covers positive behavioral supports, the neuroscience of emotional literacy, lots of visuals you can use, and a quick chart of the stages of emotional development that infants, toddlers, and preschoolers pass through. It also includes numerous ideas you can put into practice right away and a host of other resources to check out. It’s a great find and very well put together. Take a look!

The ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM) describes core knowledge and role-specific competencies needed for early intervention service provision, incorporating current research and evidence in the field of early intervention. To access the ESPM, click here.

This resource is related to the following ESPM knowledge-level competencies:

  • Core Knowledge (CK):
    • CK2: The role of primary social and emotional relationships as the foundation for early learning.
    • CK6: The sequences of development and the interrelationships among developmental areas/factors, including emotional development and resiliency including the development of attachment, trust, and self-regulation.
  • Individualized Family Service Plan Development and Review (IFSP-i):
    • IFSP-i2 (EIS): Understands the individual nature of child learning styles and the importance of adapting intervention strategies.
    • IFSP-i3 (EIS): Knows generic and specific evidence-based early intervention strategies to support all areas of development.
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