Does AAC Really Work with Infants and Toddlers?

This week’s post was inspired by a blog by speech-language pathology professors Carole Zangari and Robin Parker, called “PrAACtical AAC.” (Their blog is a great find, too, if you’re interested in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).)

The post we are featuring is from 2014, and it’s entitled, “Does AAC Really Work with Infants and Toddlers?” The blog post provides a link to a valuable research article on AAC. You can also see the article on the Neighborhood’s page linked to below.

The authors of the research article, Branson and Demchak, offered four important conclusions:

  • Young children can successfully use both no tech AAC (e.g., signs, pictures) and low-to-high tech devices.
  • Communication partners were effective in creating communication opportunities for the learning and use of AAC in infants and toddlers.
  • Using AAC with young children facilitates “early learning experiences that can promote the child’s further development.”
  • “None of the studies reviewed supported the idea of a minimum age requirement for introducing AAC.”

Check it out for yourself. The article is a very interesting read. Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to click the follow button to learn what others are thinking.

This resource is related to one or more competencies in the ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM). To find out more, visit this resource in the Neighborhood here.

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