Depression in Mothers: More than the Blues

 2392259?profile=RESIZE_320x320Many mothers of young children experience depression and don’t even realize it. Early Start personnel who visit homes on a regular basis can support these mothers by providing much needed information and resources. Toward that end, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services developed Depression in Mothers: More than the Blues–A Toolkit for Family Service Providers. This free downloadable toolkit offers background information about depression and . . . ideas that providers can use daily.” The toolkit includes both hard copy and web-based resources such as handouts, fact sheets, free screening tools, and program descriptions. Both service providers and service coordinators will find a great deal of useful information in this publication. Check it out here:

This resource is also available in Spanish here:


The ICC-Recommended Early Start Personnel Manual (ESPM) describes core knowledge in early intervention. To access the ESPMCLICK HERE. This resource is related to the following ESPM Knowledge-level Competencies:


  • Core Knowledge (CK):
    • CK2: The role of primary social and emotional relationships as the foundation for early learning.
    • CK6: The sequences of development and the interrelationships among developmental areas/factors including . . . Emotional development and resiliency, including the development of attachment and trust, and self-regulation.
    • CK7: The variety of pre- and peri-natal risk factors such as genetics, maternal health and nutrition, medical complications, prematurity/low birth weight,
      substance exposure and other teratogens and their effect on the developing embryo/fetus/newborn.


  • Identification and Referral (IR):
    • IR2 (EIA): Knows formal and informal screening tools and procedures that are play-based and culturally and linguistically appropriate (including the use of observation and documentation).
    • IR3 (EIA): Knows the referral process for Early Start and other public services.
    • IR4 (EIA): Knows resource options for services and supports (other than Early Start) in the country/area of residence.


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